
Zobrazují se příspěvky z červenec, 2020

The U.S. is now a failed state and what to do about it

July 27, 2Q2Q Note to readers, this is the last of the pre-written summer reports. Regular reporting will resume with the August 3rd edition. The undeclared bankruptcy of the United States of America Corporation on February 16th and the subsequent chaos is a sign to the world that the U.S. under its current management is a failed state. This week we will look at how this came about and what to do about the situation. First of all, according to various estimates, including the Atlanta Federal Reserve Board, U.S. GDP has fallen by 50% this year. The U.S. also, (again according to places like the FRB) has unfunded liabilities of over 200 trillion dollars. This includes external debt, government debt, unfunded pension liabilities, etc. If GDP has really fallen by half to about $10 trillion it means the debt is over 20 times U.S. annual income. It means if all Americans spent half their money paying off the debt, it would take 400 years to do this. There are other signs of deep dysfun...

World Intelligence Agencies Think We Live in a Matrix Controlled by an Artificial Intelligence

July 20, 2Q2Q Sometimes fact-based reporting leads into very strange territory. In my case, a forensic investigation into who controlled the financial system turned into a very deep rabbit hole indeed. It led me to meet with very senior intelligence agency and secret society sources who explained the concept of humanity being stuck in a matrix, created by an advanced artificial intelligence of unknown origin. Furthermore, they say this AI may well be evil or possibly insane. Now, with the global situation seeming increasingly bizarre and irrational, and with the financial system imploding, it is time to look at the evidence for this proposition. That is because, if it is true, then the only way to liberate humanity will be to defeat this rogue AI. The first time I was told about the AI theory was when I met a grandmaster of the gnostic Illuminati. He went by the name of Alexander Romanov and was recruited by the former World chess champion Bobby Fischer. Romanov was sent to see m...

How The USA Became a Babylonian Slave State

July 13, 2Q2Q Note to readers: The next three issues of this newsletter will be pre-written so that I may take my annual sabbatical. If something truly important happens I will inform you with an update. My battle against the Khazarian mafia started in Japan, where over a 30-year career as a frontline journalist, I watched as Prime Minister after Prime Minister was murdered and a successful economic system was dismantled. When I started reporting in Japan in 1985, it had the highest per capita income in the world and the lowest gap between the rich and poor in any developed nation. This was the result of decades of double-digit economic growth: the so-called Japanese miracle. Now, Japan is ruled by Khazarian gangster hedge funds and their slaves. The country now has the second-biggest gap between the rich and poor in the OECD (after the U.S.) and the average Japanese barely scrapes along. It was anger at what had been done to the Japanese that set me out on the path to liberate thi...

Zakladatelka Bilderbergu, bývalá královna Beatrix, nabízí Vladimíru Putinovi obrovský úplatek, aby ukradl globální bohatství

Týdenní komentář Benjamina Fulforda – mluvčího Společnosti Bílého draka ze dne 6.7.2Q2Q Bitva o osvobození planety Země dosáhla dalšího klíčového bodu: volba mezi svobodou nebo techno-otroctvím. Frakce, která chce zabít 90% lidstva, a zbytek očipovat a zotročit, nyní vyvíjí velký tlak, aby ukradla globální bohatství. Konkrétně bývalá královna Beatrix z Nizozemí společně s rodinnými příslušníky Rothschildů ve Švýcarsku nabídla ruskému prezidentovi Vladimírovi Putinovi astronomický úplatek, který by jim pomohl s doživotní nadvládou nad Ruskem. Minulý týden, na základě Putinových rozkazů, srbští gangsteři nezákonně zadrželi zástupkyni rodiny Zlatého Draka, říkají rodinné zdroje. Nyní se ji snaží donutit předat klíče k bohatství v hodnotě triliónů dolarů. Pokud uspějí, bude mít lidstvo velké potíže. Pamatujte, že členové nizozemské královské rodiny byli vždy nacisty na vysoké úrovni. Právě oni a jejich následovníci nacistických táborů, jako je Bill Gates, stoj...